I have been thinking of how I could get more reading time into my summer schedule. I had the idea to try and read two hours a day, then I could finish a book in about a week. Going over to the calendar, I counted how many weeks were left until August (when my fall semester starts).
One. . . two. . . three. . . four. . . five. . . six. . .
That got me to wondering. What about doing a reading challenge? Five books in five weeks. Starting the last week of June and going for four more weeks into July. Then I thought of my blog. . .
I already have my books picked out and in order.
Anyone want to join me???
(If I can get quite a few people to join the challenge and commit to reading five books in five weeks, then maybe I could work it out so there is a prize involved.)
SOME RULES: For me, the books have to be 200 pages or more, unless it is a nonfiction book that will take more time and concentration to read. Second, though I will aim to read one book each week, so long as five books are completed within those five weeks-- it does not matter when or how they get read. (Audiobooks do not count.) Five books just have to be read within the five week.
So mark your calendars for:
June 23 - July 27
Are you having trouble squeezing in time to read?
Would a challenge help motivate you?
Want to help me stick with my goal?