The Book Character's Summer Reading Challenge
5 Books in 5 Weeks
What it is:
This is a summer reading challenge where we will be reading five books in the next five weeks (beginning this Sunday, June 23rd!).
I've already chosen the books I am going to read. Check out my list by clicking here.
How this is going to work:
You get to choose what books you read! The goal will be to read one book each week, for the next five weeks. However, it doesn't matter how long you take to read each book or what week you do it in, so long as it is within June 23 - July 27 that you get five books read.
Feel free to reread something you have read before, BUT you can not begin a book before June 23rd and count it towards your five books. So, if you are in the middle of reading something right now, hurry up and finish it before Sunday because it won't count towards the challenge.
The books have to be over 200 pages; unless it is a nonfiction book that is just under that amount, or one with very small print, that takes longer to read. If you are unsure whether or not a book is going to count towards the challenge, just message me to have it approved (more on that in just a bit).
(Remember, the goal is to get back to reading. If you are really having trouble fitting in time to read, and you will be doing good to just fit in smaller books, that is up to you. Only this is the challenge and I would prefer full length novels or books; 200 pages seems like a good place to draw the line from my experience.)
How to join in:
I already have several people who are joining in on the challenge, and I would really appreciate it if you (and anyone else who would like to join), would please go over to the "contact" tab on my blog. Simply send me a message saying you would like to join 2013 summer reading challenge, as well as sending me your name, and a means for me to contact you by (preferably an e-mail address, please).
Once you have joined the contest, I will be creating a sheet (most likely through Google Drive) for everyone to view online where you can post the books you are reading as you complete them. Also I plan to send out a confirmation e-mail for everyone who has decided to join the challenge, as well as a link to the document mentioned above.
If you already have your five books picked out, or once you've chosen them, please send me a list of the titles and authors in a message. Feel free to change your mind about what books you choose though, I want you to enjoy this challenge! At the end of the five weeks, I just need a list of all the books you read and when you began/finished them. (If you keep track of this via the Google Drive document I will be creating, you should be fine.)
Final thoughts:
Now I can't look over everyone's shoulder and see whether or not they are actually reading the books they say they are, it's up to you to be truthful. Also, if you do not message me through the "contact" tab, I will be unable to enter and notify you if you are the challenge winner at the end of the five weeks. I will not be sharing your e-mail address or any other personal info with anyone, unless I was given permission by you.
SO why did I mention the word "winner"??? Because at the end of the challenge, for each book you complete, your name will be placed in a hat to win a $15 gift card to a book store of your choice (such as Amazon or B&N)! But you have to complete the challenge and follow the instructions given above.
If I don't get the list of books you read, I can not approve that they followed the challenge instructions, so your name can not be put into the hat for each book you read.
Lastly, if you have a blog or website, you are welcome to send me a link. I may share a list of the names (and sites) of those who have joined the challenge in a future blog post (upon permission of everyone). However, since I may not be able to check every blog for any explicit content, please make sure your content is family-friendly or otherwise say so in your message. Again if you have any questions, leave a comment or message me under the "contact" tab. I hope to be hearing from you!
Would you like to join?
Send me a message! Comment down below!
What are you reading this summer?