Friday, June 7, 2013

Graduation & More Books

Friday, May 31, of 2013, I graduated from high school! I half expected that I wouldn't feel any different after graduating, like on my birthday when even though I get a "year older", I don't feel any different. This time I did, to a certain degree. There was a happy feeling of accomplishment, of disbelief that it was actually here and happening, and long moments of just enjoying the day. 

At first I was sort of dreading the attention and having to walk up in front of everyone, even though I was graduating with a bunch of other people who would do the same. But when I was standing in the group before everyone, when we turned our tassels over and the crowd erupted in applause, I decided I liked it. . . as least this one time.

Since my graduation was late in the evening on Friday, me and my family did the celebrating the next day. Saturday. Again it was weird having a "party" with everyone celebrating and giving me gifts when it wasn't my birthday or Christmas. That evening I went out with a particular spider and had a great time walking around downtown, visiting a couple shops, and grabbing dinner and dessert.

What's funny is when Sunday rolled around, and I was mentally planning out how I would fit school into the coming Monday, I remembered. I am done with high school! No more school for me!! Yay yay yay! (Until August, at least, and then it's a whole new level of school- college.)

I did something else that is exciting for me this week. . . I joined some sites where I can get free books in exchange for honest reviews! I already have one eBook that I chose, and will be doing a review for later (possibly on here). The reason I wanted to join some of these sites (but thought at first that I wouldn't be able to because I didn't have enough followers), is because duh I love to read and my bank account appreciates $free$. Secondly, I like writing reviews which I have normally done only for myself, but hope that eventually they'll be worth something to other people. My hopes are just to be able to support my interests through my hobbies, like blogging and writing reviews in exchange for more books!

(Please click on any of the following links to see the books on Goodreads or to check out the authors on their websites. Let me know if you end up reading or have read any of their books!) Recently I have purchased Waterfall, Cascade, and Torrent by Lisa T. Bergren.  Having read the first two books, I am now working my way through the third one. Just the other day I finished reading The Sketchnote Handbook by Mike Rohde. I also got The Heiress of Winterwood, by Sarah E. Ladd, a while back and hope to read it soon, as well as finishing Pride & Prejudice, and trying out one of Sarah Dessen's books called Along for the Ride. My to-read list is growing, as well as the number of books on my shelf (and on my Kindle). 

How am I ever going to read them all?!

So what are you reading?
Do you like to read reviews for a book before you read it?
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