Sunday, January 6, 2013

What's the Deal with this Blog?

My ideas for this blog are all over the place. I have a lot of interests- reading and writing are just two of them. With fifty books ahead of me this year (that is, if I follow through with my New Year's Resolutions), I hope to do some book reviews and other "stuff" on this blog.

Sure, there are plenty of blogs and sites out there with millions of book reviews, but whenever I want to read a book I tend to care a bit less about someone else's opinions on the book and more about the content. I look for answers to questions like: Is there any sexual or sensual content I should know about? Language? Magic or wizardry? It's hard to figure these things out sometimes without someone giving away a story's plot. Often times I'll scroll through Amazon reviews and skim what people say there. Other times I just look at the book and read it myself. Being a Christian and a picky reader, I am careful about what I spend my time dwelling on. I hope to provide reviews that I would look for myself; reviews where I give my opinions on the book, but also reveal the books content as unbiased as I can.

As a book lover, I obviously love buying books too. . . and boy, do I love buying books. There are several stores where I live that I can usually pick up a good book for around $5. Sometimes that is a brand new book and other times it is a used one that is in decent condition. Either way, it is dangerous for me to go anywhere near a bookstore with spending money in hand. Did I mention I have a Kindle Touch? I do, and I am nearly addicted to purchasing books on there too (when I have the money, but mainly when they are super cheap- as in $free$). That being said, would anyone be interested in book hauls? Maybe where I share the books I am purchasing and thus give a sneak peek to the books being reviewed in the near future? I thought that would be fun.

I also love to write. . . (fictional novels if you want to be more precise). Though I have very little schooling on such writing, aside from several classes on writing for school (3Rs, Expository Writing, Journalism, and English 111 for college), I have accumulated a lot of information up in my head and have been writing on my own for quite some time. There are several books, authors, posts, and other random finds I would love to share with anyone interested in writing. Also I can always share my experiences in writing, how I started out, and why I continue to do so.

Lastly, it would be nice to share about my life here. It is not like I live some super duper amazing life, but personally I like it a lot and it is nice enough for me, even with its ups and plenty of downs. The way I see things and go about my day is not the same for anyone else. Plus, with all these random interests I have, it may spice up this bookish blog to share some. Maybe I'll just have to do a post about me and anyone who would like to follow along with this blog could leave feedback on what they would like to read.

For example, I've found that recently what book I am currently reading affects what I want to eat. Okay, that sounds weird. But what I mean is when I was reading The Hobbit, for example, I had my own "Hobbit" breakfasts which included eggs, toasted bagels with butter, and juice. I am terrible about skipping breakfast because I do not have an appetite for it, but while I was reading this book it made me want to have a big "Hobbit" breakfast every morning! Wouldn't it be neat to organize some meals around the books I am reading and share the menu/recipes I use on here? I thought it might be.

Oh, and as a girl, it can not be forgotten that I like fashion, hair, and some makeup as well. The idea to create simple looks for different book characters sounds fun to me (you know, sort of like what they have to do for movies). Anyone want to see some stuff like that?

Otherwise it is just a matter of waiting and seeing how things fall into place. Interests come and go, so do viewers and readers. I am just another person in this world, but everyone has a story. I would like to share mine, and with Jesus Christ as the author and main character of this book there are sure to be adventures ahead.

That's why I am second in this story. Even though it may be "mine", really this whole thing is about the Lord, Jesus Christ. He has given me a life to live and I choose to live for His glory (not that I always do a very good job of that, I mess up a lot). He is first in this whole book of life and from my point of view I am the secondary character in this story. Yeah, it's something pretty special. You are the secondary character in your story too (I'm not the only one). I am just one of the many who understands my life is not all about me, but Him (my Savior and Lord, Jesus). I would like to keep track of where I go and not waste my life by keeping it all to myself. (See I told you there would be more plot development on that secondary stuff later.) So anyways. . .

Let me know what you enjoy reading about in the comments below! 
Do you write? What are some of your interests?
I am up for trying new things!

Photos & Illustration by Jackson