Saturday, January 12, 2013

Book Review: Yotsuba&! 5

Publisher: Yen Press (Hachette Book Group)
Genre: Fiction; Manga
Number of Pages: 204


     Yotsuba is a five year old girl who is adopted by a man named Koiwai. This manga series follows her day to day life, adventures, and discoveries. Her escapades often involve her father, his friend Jumbo (as they call him), and their next door neighbors.

Star Rating:

     4.5 stars

Content Rating:



     I enjoyed this short and pretty much easy read. At first though it was hard for me to get use to reading right to left (as you must do in this book), and I was also confused about Yotsuba's relationship with everyone in the book. She calls the mother of her neighboring friends "Mom", but she is not actually Yotsuba's mother. I would recommend reading this series in order, and not jumping in on the fifth book (which happened to be the one I could get my hands on first). Unless, of course, the reader is willing to figure out who is who as they go along. I would suggest hopping on the Internet and searching Yotsuba&! if you do not plan to start with the first book. This Wikipedia article answered my questions easily enough without giving away what happened in the other books (I did not read the entire article however, just the several beginning paragraphs about Yotsuba and Koiwai).

Overall, this was a fun, clean, carefree read. I would not mind at all to go through this book again, nor the rest of the books in the series. (Which I hope to get a hold of soon!) The drawings/manga are great (I really liked them, especially pictures of the city) and the story is humorous and entertaining, what else could you want?

Iffy Content:

     None. Yotsuba (the main character) often whines or seemingly yells to get her way, which was slightly annoying, but she is five. She also has a fight/argument with Yanda (a newer friend of her Daddy, who isn't very nice or mature for that matter), and they use the word "poop" and call each other "moron" (pg 66-86).

Check out the first book on:  Amazon or Barnes&Noble!!

Have you read any of the Yotsuba&! books? Other related books? What were your thoughts?
I'd like to know! I am always open for new reading suggestions.

Disclaimer: All opinions are my own. I borrowed this book from a friend. This review was not paid for or endorsed by anyone.

I understand that there are a wide range of opinions on what is appropriate in a book and what is too much. In no way am I saying that my opinion is superior, I merely wish to list whatever content the book has. Please use your own discernment on what you deem an appropriate read, and use my reviews as you see fit. Some "iffy content" may contain small *spoilers*, please keep this in mind if you read this section of my reviews, but I will try to warn against them ahead of time.