Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Book Review: Art and the Bible

Art and the Bible
By: Francis A. Schaeffer (Foreword by Michael Card)
Publisher:  IVP Books
Genre:  Nonfiction; Christian; Art; Bible
Number of Pages:  94


    "The lordship of Christ should include an interest in the arts," writes Francis Schaeffer. "A Christian should use these arts to the glory of God, not just as tracts, mind you, but as things of beauty to the praise of God."

Many Christians, wary of creating graven images, have steered clear of artistic creativity. But the Bible offers a robust affirmation of the arts. The human impulse to create reflects our being created in the image of a creator God.

Art and the Bible has been a foundational work for generations of Christians in the arts. In this book's classic essays, Francis Schaeffer first examines the scriptural record of the use of various art forms, and then establishes a Christian perspective on art. With clarity and vigor, Schaeffer explains why: "the Christian is the one whose imagination should fly beyond the stars."
(Summary taken from Goodreads, italicization is mine.)

Star Rating:

     5 stars (I loved it.)

Content Rating:

     PG (recommend to 13&up)

My Opinions:
     The title says it all. Schaeffer talks about different forms of art and what the Bible has to say about art in general. He argues how important it is, even just for enjoyment and backs up his argument with Scripture. He also goes into how we should view and create art.

This book was amazing! I've learned so much and it has made me think differently about art, I'll have to read it again. I love how Schaeffer truly expresses the freedom we're supposed to have as Christians, but also touches on our responsibilities. This book was so enlightening and encouraging!

The Quality:
     I loved his easy, understandable way/style of writing. Yes, there may have been a word or two (or three) I had to look up, but it was much, much easier to read than I expected. Highly recommend it!

Content (For Those Who Wonder):
     Language - None.

     Sensuality - None.

     Violence - None.

     Other - None.

Check out this book on:  Amazon or Barnes&Noble!!

Have you read this books? Any related books? What were your thoughts?
I'd like to know!

Disclaimer: All opinions are my own. I purchased this book myself. This review is not endorsed or supported in any way.