Well, I thought I would give everyone some instructions on how to totally stink at this reading challenge. . .
1) Be an eighteen year old, blonde haired girl with glasses.
2) Only read one book in the last two weeks.
3) Start on your second book several days late.
4) Become very indecisive about what book to read next and change your mind at least twice, but only after you start reading those other books.
5) Try to finish reading a 307 page book in one evening,
preferably when you are only 64 pages into it.
And TA-DA!!!!!! You will successfully fail at this challenge like I am!

Thus. . . here I am again. Running late. Trying to squeeze a book in. And I am feeling the challenging part of this challenge. I gotta get my butt in gear!!
On a random note, I got the new Relient K CD on iTunes today! "Collapsible Lung" has been pretty good. I like it!!
How are you doing?
It's not too late to join the challenge if you haven't yet!