Friday, February 1, 2013

Review: The Book Lover's Journal

By: Rene J. Smith
Publisher: Peter Pauper Press
Genre: Nonfiction; Book Journal; Reading Record; Organizer
Number of Pages: 216


What is this??? This is a journal designed to log books, record what you have read, and review novels. But this journal also contains sections to write down books that you would like to read, books you own (borrowed, lent, or have given), book group info, and some fun pages at the end.

Positive Opinions:

First of all, I will say that I love this journal. I have already recorded two books in it and can not wait to fill it up more. Though I will add that I am not using this journal to record previous books I have read, only the ones I read starting with this year.

Alright, so as you can see from my sneak peek into this journal:

. . . it has a rating chart!

This is one of the things I liked about this journal compared to my previous one (which is much smaller- almost pocket sized- and less descriptive). It still did/does its job very well, but I like my new journal better overall.

I also just like how the entire book is laid out. The format and information included for each book review is great. It is easy to fill in the blanks, circle the numbers I feel the book deserves, and then make any comments I want about it on the next page. There is plenty of room for me to write anything; be it the basic plot, how I liked the book, things to remember about it, or whatever else.

Another good thing about this book is that it has a hard cover and a spiral center, making it easy to write on. (Yay! No awkward middle section that is a pain to write on!) It has a table of contents for book reviews as well, so you can write down the title of the book and what page its review is on. I really like that about the journal.

Then last, but not least, it has an overall five-star rating at the bottom!

Negative Opinions:

The main thing I wish was different about this journal is that it had a specific line that said something like "Date Started" and "Date Finished". My previous journal had this, and now I sort of miss it. But I can still use the "When & where read" line in this book to do the same thing, so I will survive.

Closing Words:

So if you are in to reviewing and keeping track of the books you read, pick yourself up a copy of this journal! I would recommend it and think it is definitely worth the money!

Check it out on:  Amazon or Barnes&Noble!!

Or if you prefer to just keep track of the books (and don't care so much for the reviewing 
in depth part), try the previous version I had!

Wait! Don't go yet. . .

SPECIAL NOTE: All opinions are my own. I purchased the previous journal and the new one was given to me as a gift for Christmas. Peter Pauper Press provided three of the pictures used in this post, and I was also given another journal by them that I will be giving away!

So stay tuned for a chance to WIN a FREE The Book Lover's Journal!!!

Do you record the books you read?
What are your thoughts on keeping track of read books, a great idea or a waste of time?
Also I am always open for new reading suggestions!