Monday, February 11, 2013

January in Review and a Glimpse of February

Have you read my first post on my New Year's Resolutions? You can read it here. The reason I mention this post is because I wanted share how I have been doing so far this year.

Already I find January has slipped by me, but I also have some great memories to go along with that month. This year is proving to be different for me. Not in huge, over the top, in your face noticeable kind of ways, but small changes are being made here and there. It is those little things that are making an important difference. I will go ahead and admit I have already "failed" some of my new years resolutions, but I am determined not to let that stop me from continuing to work on them and finish strong this year. I want to be proud of the progress I have made and confident that I can do even better in the years to come (with dedication, and God's help and guidance).

Reading my Bible everyday has had an affect on my attitude and overall outlook on life. I have again noticed more how I feel better and do better when I have spent time praying and in God's Word. Sure, I came to realize this last year and have before, but this year I realize more and more each day how much I need some personal time with my Savior. There has been a few days (really like 3 or so), when technically I did not sit down and read my Bible. Instead of letting that get me down, I am still aiming to read my Bible everyday because it is more important than just fulfilling one of my new year resolutions.

When it comes to reading 50 books this year. . . Well, technically I have read three and an currently finishing two other, longer-ish ones. I still think I can read 50 books this year. Some of the books I have read are manga books around 200 pages, those help get me closer to my goal and I enjoy the quick easy read. If I make it to 50 books this year, next year I will definitely consider doing the 50 books in a year challenge again, but add the "rule" that short, manga books do not count.

I did not draw a picture last month. . . I think I sat down on the thirtieth and tried,  but I just did not have it in me and did not feel like drawing. Maybe I'll get some sketches in this month before it is too late!

Exercising. . . I failed in the first week. But it is still a good goal I need to be working towards. I hope by the end of this year, exercising a minimum of 2 hours a week will be a normal, habitual part of my day to day life.

I have not written anything on my novel this month. Possibly because I was a bit worn out after participating in a 100 for 100 challenge (where I wrote 100 words everyday for 100 days). I really enjoyed the challenge and ended up writing about 25,000 words! To put that into perspective, the average length of a novel is 50,000 words, I believe. I am not trying to brag because most of what I wrote will probably need to be cut, and there are a lot of places that need filled in. But that gives a better perspective on what 25,000 means. It might sound crazy, but that was actually more the average word count for the challenge. A lot of people wrote thousands more. It was a fun challenge. Still, I plan to start picking back up on writing this month.

Personally, I feel I have succeeded when it came to blogging. Not only is this an opportunity to flex my writing muscle, but it is out of my comfort zone and something new. That is also why I am counting making a blog and everything I have done along those lines (making a twitter, contacting a publisher, hosting a giveaway) as my something "new" I did for January.

Last, but not least, what am I doing about my resolution to get a car? (Maybe?) Saving. Because that is all I can do right now. I do not need a car at the moment, but once I start college, I would like to have one. (Key word: would like to.) So I am trying to put most of my income (aside from my tithe, phone bill, and a little spending here and there) into savings. Hopefully, by the time I graduate, I will be well on my way to saving up for a car.

February is approaching its halfway mark, so it's a bit late to be writing about January, but I hope to update my happenings in February sooner after it ends. Not only is Valentine's Day approaching, but so is my birthday! Eighteen. It sounds crazy to me that I am actually turning 18. Soon, very soon. I look forward to it though. I still have not finished any books for February, but I am trying to get on it! Soon I will be posting some more book reviews. Stick around! My giveaway will be closing soon and a winner will be announced.

So what were your new year's resolutions?
Or what do you hope to accomplish this year?
Is it just me, or did January go by fast?