Friday, March 15, 2013

Book Haul: February 2013

Books here, books there, books everywhere. . .

Speaking of books! Monday, the day after my birthday, I was enjoying the feeling of being eighteen for the first actual day of my life. (Sunday didn't count, I was seventeen for most of it.) My Mom and I were out running errands that morning, and after a late breakfast we headed into a Christian bookstore. It is one that always has tons of discounted books. (Nearly every book is discounted!)

I am in love with that store. . . And yes, if you are wondering, I do want to marry it. Just kidding ;) It's an inside joke. This post is a bit late coming, but it is my first "Book Haul" for my blog. Even though it's March now, I purchased these books back in February (the 25th), so I figured the book haul should be titled as thus.

Monday was a long, but great day out. And, of course, I couldn't leave the bookstore empty handed! After trying out some new genres for my 2013 reading challenge, I had to get a dose of the old-faithful and went on a Ted Dekker kick. He is one of my favorite authors and I really like his writing style, or his writing voice I guess. Each book has its own story, so I can't speak for all of them, but I like most of what I have read by him.

Showdown is the first in a trilogy/series I want to read, and I could not resist snatching this copy up for $3.95! Jackson has already read them, but I am holding myself back and making sure I read The Circle Trilogy before diving into this series (all the stories are connected in some way, with the Circle books being the main ones).

Forbidden I read a while back. Jackson and I both went through it around the same time. He then purchased the next book in the series called Mortal, which we are slowly working through reading when we are together, so we share the same copy. Typically I go solo and read books on my own, but I have enjoyed sharing a similar reading list with him as well as share a copy of this book. Sooo, since the price was reasonable, especially for a hardcover (Dekker's books tend to be a bit pricey and hard covers are almost always more $dollars$), I picked up a physical copy of Forbidden. (We both read it via an eBook version before.) Now all we have to do is finish the second book and then work on the third one!

Immanuel's Veins? Despite the cover having my favorite colors on it while still being intriguing and instantly eye-drawing, I have two reasons for wanting to pick it up. The first being that I have read the plot summary and wanted to check it out; secondly, I have heard there was some. . . differing opinions over this book.

"The story is for everyone, but not everyone is for this story. . ."

Or so the back cover says. How is a book-lover like me supposed to pass up a dare like that? It is just begging me to check it out and see what has gotten some feathers ruffled. I remember when the book first came out and, being a fan of Ted Dekker at the time, I heard it was a subject of interest for a while. Apparently, Holland banned the book. I didn't pick it up though, until now. I started it the very same day, after I finished the book I was currently reading (yes, I was a good girl, you can be proud of me). It was probably a week or more, and my teeth had only just begun to sink into its pages because of other things going on in my life, other things pulling at my attention, and other things I have been reading. I was interested in seeing exactly what it was about though and what Dekker wanted to say through this novel, or more so. . . how he went about saying it. We'll see. If I don't like it, I don't keep it. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, right?

I have finished it now, but I will save my thoughts on the book for when I post my review. So if you wish to know what Immanuel's Veins was about or if it is worth reading or what it holds in its pages, you will have to come back and find out.

Anyways, that ended my book excursion for the day, but it was nice to go all out for once and get whatever I wanted (well, within reason). Thank you to everyone who gave me birthday money, I was very thankful for the chance to splurge on more books! ^_^ The other three books in the green bag above were for my sister, sort of an early birthday present.

What is the last book you bought?
Planning on enlarging your library selections anytime soon?
And don't you love the smell of books?
Photos by Me
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