Some of you very well know what went on the weekend before last. . . it was my birthday! What a busy, but blessing filled week it has been. There have been plenty of times where I was out and about or just at home relaxing and being much more lazy than I needed to be, but I am thankful for the time to chill and catch my breath. Quite a bit has happened over the past week or so, I am not sure quite where to begin.
Saturday is when it really all started. . . Saturday, February 23rd, actually. I had a few friends over for food and games for the afternoon. It was a great time and I am very grateful for all who were able to be a part of the early celebration. That night I went out with my Mom, both of my grandmas, and my aunt. It was time for a girls' night out, not only to celebrate my birthday, but also my mother's! Her birthday is only four days after mine.
We grabbed a bite to eat at Neo Burrito, then headed over to a Barnes&Noble. Book stores are one of my favorite locations, especially when there is a Starbucks in them! I simply love wandering around, certainly for long periods of time. It's such a feeling being in a place where most of the people around you share a common love of words and books and literature. We're all shuffling around in our own little worlds, scanning titles, admiring covers, sometimes socializing, most times thinking to ourselves, and quite often secretly noticing and thinking about the people around us. I do not typically get so sappy as to call something "magical", but there is a certain feeling, an air about the whole building and every aisle, when you go into a bookstore.
It was not long before we (us girls) gathered back up again at a table and, Starbucks' treats in hand, played a few games of Mexican Trains. If you haven't heard of that game before, don't worry, you are not the first. You can look into it by going here though; it's pretty close to just playing dominoes.
That night I was tired and ready for some sleep, yet wishing the day did not have to be over. However, Sunday came right on time and I got up much easier than most mornings. My excitement was getting to me, so there was no going back to sleep once I was awake. This morning I was helping out with childcare at my church which is always a little crazy when you have a bunch of kids in one room. But that was not what I was getting excited about, no, it was the fact that today was my birthday! :D It was a good addition to my day though- knowing I did something other than be "lazy" and "celebrate". It was something that wasn't "all about me". If that makes sense. . .

Part of the reason he had come back to the house is that evening all of my family and his were gathering down at my grandparent's house for the real and final birthday party. Something I really enjoy is spending time with all my family down at the grandparents' house. It is sort of a tradition or habit for us all to meet down there for different occasions such as birthdays, holidays, or just regular eat-a-meal-get-togethers. Maybe as I get older I appreciate the family I have even more, knowing that I am truly blessed and few people have the privilege of living so close to their loved ones like I do. Plus, as we kids all get older and our schedules grow busier, with correlating free-time stretching further and farther in between, I do not know how many more years it will be this way. Who knows when it won't be so easy as to walk out my door and down the hill for a family hangout? I'll be graduating soon and if I follow through with my potential college plans, I will have a fuller schedule.
We all like to play board games, card games, and well games. The night started off kind of slow as everyone gradually showed up, but then time slipped by as we played several rounds of Apples to Apples, had cake, opened presents, and continued to socialize. If I had not wanted my Saturday to end, I most definitely did not want Sunday to move along. No doubt, it passed on its merry way just like the night before and soon I was back home for the fourth time today (there was quite a bit of going about). Yet it was another day that while I situated myself comfortably in my bed and prepared to fall asleep, my thoughts were still chattering and I couldn't help feeling more blessed than ever. I was pretty happy. ;)

Above is a picture of one of my birthday gifts! My aunt creatively made this decorative light with a picture Jackson illustrated of me and him on the front. Inside are different colored glass pebbles and a small strand of Christmas' lights weaved all around inside the glass square. It was definitely a unique gift, and I like those. Now it decorates my nightstand along side a stack of books underneath my lamp (yes, underneath my lamp) and another set of books standing up between those. I am trying to create some book-ish accents to my room. I mean, why just leave all that literature on the shelf to collect dust? Now I think they are starting to take over the theme of my room.
Books here, books there, books everywhere. . .
And that concludes a small chapter in my life as a book character (of His story that is). Alright, I will let you go on with your day! I hope it is a good one, check back soon? I am hoping my next post will be about my mini book haul last Monday (on the 25th). Thanks for stopping by and seeing how my birthday weekend went! My apologies for the very late post about it.
What have you been up to? Is the new year going well for you?
When is your birthday?
Photos by Me & Jackson