Monday, August 12, 2013

Book Review: The Girl in the Gatehouse

Publisher: Bethany House
Genre: Fiction; Historical Romance; 1800s Era; Christian Fiction
Number of Pages: 391

     Mariah Aubrey has left the only home she ever knew, now takes her haunting secret with her, and Miss Dixon as her only companion. When Captain Bryant comes to lease the estate where the gatehouse she lives in resides, fear begins to eat away at her once more. Fear of being found out as a female author, writing being her only means of making a living. Fear of her past being discovered. Fear of losing the only home she now has. Fear that she will never be allowed a chance at love again.

Star Rating:

      3.5 stars (I liked it pretty well.)

Content Rating:

     PG (recommended to 13&up)

My Opinions:
     What I liked/loved - Don't get me wrong, this book was great. There was a good bit of mystery and questions that needed answered to pull you along through its pages. Julie Klassen also happens to be one of my favorite authors, having read four of her books that are this sort of fiction.

The regency era (historical fiction, really) with some romance mixed in is one of my favorite genres. Her two books The Apothecary's Daughter and The Silent Governess are on my favorite books' list.

The relationship between Mariah and Captian Bryant is not anything to worry about. Thankfully there are some sweet, charismatic moments for those romantics at heart. What historical romance would be complete without them?

There is just something about when a relationship unfolds slowly, and I get to have  those times when I hold my breath or sigh happily.

     What I didn't like/hated - However, this book did fall a bit short of my hopeful expectations. I knew some other reviewers had found it to be a bit slow and not one of her best works, but I tried to maintain a bright outlook as I read it. This book took me forever to finish though, and it was not until about halfway through that it finally started to really grab my attention.

I found it too easy to set it aside, and took a break or two to finish/read other books in between finishing this one (something I usually try to avoid). The conclusion was satisfying, and I did not regret spending my time on it, but I have to agree that this was not her best work- though still a good one. Maybe because it was confined to such a small area (no traveling really), it did not give my mind enough places to wander.

     This book is still worth reading, especially if you love historical romances with a bit more story to them... or if you would like to see what life for a female writer in the 1800s might be like... or if you love Jane Austen's book Persuasion. Sadly, it won't be going on my "favorite books' list" though. 

Content (For Those Who Wonder):
     Language - None.

     Sensuality - Some. There are some kissing scenes, and talk about a shady past (a girl was taken advantage of when she was younger as well as Mariah's fall, is made clear, but there aren't any disturbing or inappropriate details). There are a few "sensual" moments in referencing to Mariah's past, her feelings towards a man, and when a man embarrasses her in front of a small party. Though nothing is really inappropriate, and is suitable for most ages.

     Violence - Hardly any, Captain Bryant suffers from nightmares and guilt from his time at war, and we also hear the story of another captain's experiences. Nothing very gruesome or gory though.

     Other - No other content to note or worry about. But I will mention this is a Christian book, so mention of God, faith, etc. do make some appearances for any of those wondering. 

Check out this book on:  Amazon or Barnes&Noble!!

Have you read this book? Any related books? What were your thoughts?
I'd like to know! I am always open for new reading suggestions as well.

Disclaimer: All opinions are my own. I purchased this book myself. This review was not paid for or endorsed by anyone.